Friday, September 23, 2011

grinds MY gears...

I am SO sick of construction. I understand it's crucial to maintaining the roads and all, but I ALWAYS see 10 people standing around doing zilch while 1 person flags on traffic. Our tax dollars at work. If all those freakin' people would just work at the same time for a few hours, the shit would probably be done in no time. I live on Lake Ave in the city, so that speaks for itself. They've been working on the same section of road for like 8 years! Don't even get me started on Brockport....


  1. I think that construction is done with the intent of making it as annoying and difficult as they possibly can, for the largest possible number of people.

    Hell, just this morning I was woken up two hours before I wanted to be by some moron with a chainsaw. I'm sure that there was some reason that the tree (presumably) had to be cut down, but was doing it at seven in the morning absolutely necessary?

  2. They say there are 4 seasons in Rochester...fall, winter, spring and construction. I work in Henrietta and it seems like they are always working in those road.

  3. Think about it though Johnny Boy, if you were a seasonal construction worker getting paid pretty decent bank by the hour but only for a few months, wouldn't you be taking your sweet ass time too? MAKE THAT MONEYYY.

  4. There are many factors involved with it looking like workers are standing being the NYSDOT employees, public utility employees, and NYSDOT inspectors do milk the system. How ever, having made my living in the construction industry for over 20 years, we do not stand around. Standing idle is a great way to get fired on the spot and without a gentle good-bye...usually a get the f out of here you lazy bastard...really. NYS breeds lazyness from their employees. I have worked with them from time to time and they drive me nuts. We work hard, real hard in construction. The bidding process makes even getting work difficult and for the company to make any profit at all, labor productivity is a primary focus. (usually a 0.5 percent profit is realistic...that's 5000 dollars profit from a 1 million dollar contract! A waste of 5 unproductive minutes a day from 10 employees over the course of a couple of months can literally bankrupt a contractor.NOT SO for State employees since it is tax dollars and not profit dollars.)

  5. Please do get started on Brockport, as the construction here seems like it's been dragging on for ages. As for Duane, you bring a whole different side to the frustration of construction that I've never seen before.
